2017: The idea is born in grad school

Aditya spends an academic quarter at Stanford interviewing dozens of K12 administrators ranging from school secretaries to district superintendents to understand how they made decisions with financial resources. Key learnings: too many spreadsheets, archaic software, minimal training, and 6+ week data lags make this responsibility a huge challenge.

Aditya leaves a consulting role at McKinsey & Company to formally incorporate Edstruments. After designing a prototype with input from many of the 2017 interviewees, he reaches out to Ashwin to help build it. Ashwin joins after his prior AI-based workflow optimization startup is acquired by a pubicly traded company, becoming a second-time CTO.
2019: Edstruments is launched!

2020: Our first partners implement our Budget Management app

We partner with two innovative school systems to deploy our user-friendly budget management web app to replace existing spreadsheet-based tools. We work closely with these partners to develop additional capabilities like seamless ERP integration, permission-based approvals, and more.

We create Edstruments India, a subsidiary that employs the majority of our engineering team. We add new core product modules of Budget Planning and Personnel Budgeting, and partner with our first nonprofit organizations in addition to several more K12 school systems.
2021: We grow our team, product capabilities, and partner base

2022: We accelerate our impact, partnering with over 10x more orgs than 2020

We continue to grow rapidly, serving K12 schools and nonprofits across 13 US states. We partner with back office finance firms for the first time, enabling them to improve their clients’ budget experience while reducing their own workloads. We add forecasting, salary schedule modeling, and other advanced capabilities to our core product modules.